Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week 3 follow up #SEACCR

Week 3 follow up

It was a busy week trying to find useful reference material, figuring out how to write an annotated bibliography, and visiting blog sites.  I made it a point to read everyone’s entries this week.  Apparently, I was not the only one digging through countless studies.  The SEACCR group was a busy bunch of bloggers. 

I spent a considerable amount of time reading through blogs this week.  I wanted to make sure to visit every site listed on our SEACCR blogroll to see the ideas that were forming and the types of information people found.  As I was reading through them, I felt like I had very little to offer.  Research writing is something I have never had to do. Since I have no experience, I did not feel like there was much I could add other than a few resources I found during my searches.  Some of the students in our class expressed the difficulty they had trying to find relevant research studies.  During my search, I managed to find a site that had several education related action research studies.   All of the studies were from elementary and secondary classrooms and most focused on using technology.  I will be using a couple of these studies as reference during my research.  This was something I felt was worth sharing as I responded to blog entries.  I have received a couple of messages thanking me for the website address so I am glad I shared it. 

The number of resources other people shared was impressive.  I will be going back to several blog sites to bookmark some of the references they listed.  I have noticed that some of the students in our class have prior experience with action research studies.  I intend to communicate with them throughout this project as I muddle my way through.  Data collection is one thing I've been struggling with.  A few of our students seem to have good ideas on how to handle it so I think I'll tap into their wisdom.

Friday, September 27, 2013

#SEACCR Week 3 Annotated Bibliography

My School District is currently adopting the Common Core Mathematics Standards.  I believe it is a fantastic idea but I have to admit, it is creating a lot of additional work.  Since I am spending so much time adjusting our curriculum, it made sense to try to incorporate some aspect of this transition into this research project.  Searching for studies on the common core standards yields a tremendous amount of resources.  Focusing on just mathematics and the use of technology as part of its implementation narrows it down considerably.  The following are a few that should prove useful.

Annotated bibliography

Huntley, M. A., Rasmussen, C., Villarubi, R., Sangton, J., & Fey, J. (2000). Effects of standards based mathematics education: a study of the core-plus mathematics project algebra and functions strand. Journal for research in mathematics education, 31(3), 328-361.

This study looked at implementing a standards based algebra curriculum as a more rigorous approach to algebra.  It focused on the functions and variables concepts from an algebra 1 curriculum.  Graphing calculators and computer simulation software were used extensively throughout the study.  A majority of the students involved in this study were students who were well below average in their math aptitude.  An interesting component to this study was that the researchers worked with two different groups of students.  A control group was taught using traditional teaching methods and textbooks.  A second group was taught in an environment that used modeling activities and multiple forms of technology as well as cooperative learning group activities.  Another interesting part of this study was that while the control group consistently scored lower on problems that involved application of mathematical principles in meaningful contexts, they scored higher on problems that involved basic computation without the use of calculators or other technology.  Although I will not be using two different groups of students in my research, I can see where the comparisons could be valuable. 

Doerr, H. (1995, April). An integrated approach to mathematical modeling: A classroom study. San Francisco, CA. 

This study explored the use of mathematical modeling and computer simulation as a tool for combining algebra, trigonometry, and physics.  Although the study was conducted in 1995, it still has significant relevance, especially with the increase in districts adopting the STEM curriculum.  Modeling in mathematics involves cross-curricular problem sets.  The area of physics is especially valuable because of the intense mathematical nature of the subject.  When I teach trigonometry, a majority of my examples and modeling questions focus on the principles of physics.  One of the goals of this study was to determine if a modeling approach to physics problems could help Students bridge the gap between simple concepts and more involved Newtonian physics.  The researchers wanted to show that through modeling and simulation, students could predict outcomes prior to conducting experiments.  They discovered that simulation models combined with experimentation allowed students to develop several physics formulas on their own, increased the accuracy of student predictions, and allowed students to validate their own solutions. My research study will focus on the modeling component of the common core math standards.  I would like simulation and experimentation to be part of it.

McCalister, T., Carey, S., & Styles, P. (2006). Advancing problem solving skills through the use of interactive white boards in the math classroom. Informally published manuscript.

This study looked at using Promethean interactive whiteboards and interactive response systems to increase student mastery in problem solving and to increase student engagement with math instruction.  The team of researchers used the boards with animated mathematical graphics, puzzle solving (a form of problem solving), and for writing and saving classroom lesson notes.  Students used the whiteboards to display results from problem solving activities, navigating through interactive educational websites, and to animate graphics used in lessons.  Data was obtained through observation, standardized test data to document student growth, pre-test results, and through interactive response activities.

Gillespie, L., McClain, D., McKisson, D., & McNeilan, P. (2006). Using emerging technology to enhance learning in mathematics and science. Informally published manuscript.

This study looked at ways teachers used emerging technologies such as interactive SMART whiteboards and personal response systems to increase freshman scores on the Ohio Graduation Test.  The research team gathered testing data from previous years to determine their success.  They used personal response systems during lessons to gauge the level of student understanding and to increase engagement of shy or passive students.  Teachers kept a journal for logging their observations in order to determine the effectiveness of each lesson and to note student motivation.  Students were given pre and post surveys to gain information on their attitudes, interests, motivation, and knowledge.  Parents were also included to gain information on their children’s’ math experiences and study habits.  The research study did not indicate whether student graduation test scores increased but it did share additional benefits from the use of technology such as increased student motivation, increased student participation, greater comprehension, and less need for remediation.

Burt, N., Holloway, S., & Venable, S. (2006). Project in touch: integrating technology into a high school teacher preparation course. Informally published manuscript.

This research study looked at using graphing calculators and the TI-Navigator system to increase student engagement in algebra 1.  Algebra is often an obstacle for students as they switch from concrete to abstract thinking.  The difficulties presented by algebra 1 often cause students to become frustrated and disengaged.  The research team implemented the TI-navigator and the graphing calculators to create an environment where students simultaneously worked on problems, shared their info via the navigator system in real-time, and discussed results.  This allowed the teachers to adjust their lessons and helped them find teachable moments based on their observations.  I appreciated the ideas this group presented because I use graphing calculators frequently in my classroom.  Although I do not have use a TI-Navigator system, many of the ideas presented in this study would work in my classroom.  Since I have extensive experience working with graphing calculators, the results of this study were not surprising.  Student involvement increased, test scores improved, student interest increased, and fewer students were required to repeat algebra 1 due to failing grades.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Week 2 follow up

Week 2 follow up

I now know more about language arts standards than I ever thought I would know.  Our Curriculum Principal sat in on a department meeting I was running this week.  The topic of common core standards came up and I started spewing out all sorts of information on how language arts standards were closely tied to our common core math standards and how literacy fell into the modeling components of the common core math standards, etc.  When I was done, she looked at me, said “Wow”, and then proceeded to tell me that she needed to start reading up on the standards.

As I was reviewing blog postings this week, I made it a point to focus on some of the elementary teachers sites.  I wanted to share how developing strong literacy skills in the elementary schools could affect students when they make it to high school and beyond.  I shared some of the frustrations I experience when I try to teach mathematics to a student who has low reading and writing skills.  I also shared a few websites that addressed both literacy and tech resources.  The reasoning for focusing on elementary school teachers was two-fold.  I wanted to be encouraging as they struggle to meet the intense demands of new standards and practices.  I also wanted to emphasize that their lessons in language arts will positively affect their kids ability to be successful in future coursework.  Despite taking a long hiatus from teaching, I have been around the educational world for many years.  I have seen trends come and go and have seen good teachers leave the field of teaching due to frustrations with the constantly changing ideas.  I was one of them.  Working in other intellectually demanding careers helped me realize the importance of a strong, rigorous education.  Now that I’ve come back to teaching, I appreciate how the common core standards emphasize the rigor that many careers require.  Teachers need to be aware of this and should be encouraged that efforts to meet the demands of the common core standards are worth it.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week 2 Part 2: What is the question I would like to research/

Week 2 Essential question part 2:  What is the question I would like to research over the next 8 weeks?

How can I use technology to meet the rigors of the mathematical common core standards with respect to Modeling?  The Mathematical Common Core Standards place an emphasis on mathematical modeling.  In order to meet these standards, my plan is to replace several of the traditional paper and pencil quizzes with more rigorous modeling questions that will be done using technology resources and will involve group projects, group discussion, and a variety of methods for students to present their ideas and results.  Tech resources will include but are not limited to graphing calculators, web research, multimedia presentations, spreadsheets or other data organization, and interactive response systems.  Instruction will include traditional teaching and flipped learning using video lessons I create as well as Khan Academy.  The effectiveness of this effort will be determined through observation during group work, presentations made by individuals and groups, and results of interactive response system questions.

#SEACCR Week 2 Alaska Language Arts Standards impact

Week 2 Essential Question #1
How does the shift in the Alaska Language Arts standards impact teaching and learning in my classroom?

Alaska language arts standards, combined with the mathematics common core standards, have not had a huge impact on my mathematics classroom but they have definitely stirred things up.  Aside from rearranging the order in which I do things, The AK language arts standards and the mathematics common core standards have added a new dimension of rigor and focus to my curriculum.  More time is spent developing critical thinking skills while learning the concepts of mathematics.  The Alaska State Standards for English, Language Arts, and Mathematics state that mathematical modeling be part of every section and require students to analyze information, apply it to real life situations, and communicate the results in a logical, meaningful format.  Students must not only have knowledge of mathematical concepts, they must also be able communicate how to use it.  InLinking Literacy and Mathematics: The Support for Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice,” Doctors Mary Swanson and Martha Parrott state that a student’s literacy experiences build upon their ability to learn and process math concepts.  (Swanson & Parrott, 2013) The language arts standards support this idea through its emphasis on presentation of knowledge and ideas.  Students must be able to present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.  It is my responsibility to provide my students with instruction and opportunity to practice this in my classroom.  Since our school district follows the STEM initiatives, the Reading and Writing Standards for Science and Technical Subjects grades 6-12 directly apply to my mathematics classroom.  Science and Technology classes are the direct application of the content I teach.  In order to master these subjects, students must be able to apply the information they learned in my class.  If I provide a solid foundation in mathematical literacy, I am giving my students a tremendous advantage when they transfer that knowledge to their other classes.  Wendt, 2013 describes it very well when she states, “Content area mastery cannot be achieved without basic literacy.”  Part of my responsibility is to support that basic literacy through the teaching of mathematical language arts skills.   


Alaska State Standards for English, Language Arts, and Mathematics:

Wendt, J. L. (2013). Combating the crisis in adolescent literacy: Exploring literacy in the secondary classroom.  Retrieved from

Swanson, M., & Parrott, M. (2013). Linking literacy and mathematics: The support for common core standards for mathematical practice. Northeastern State University, Retrieved from